Comprehensive DBT

Individual DBT therapy with an OPAL therapist intensively trained in DBT therapist

Weekly DBT skills Training Typically conducted in group format. The full course of skills is 24 weeks

·       For adolescents, one guardian also attends skills training sessions

DBT skills phone coaching Offered by the individual therapist to encourage effective skill use between therapy sessions

·       For adolescents, guardian is assigned a DBT parent consultant and coach

Comprehensive DBT

Individual DBT therapy with an OPAL therapist intensively trained in DBT therapist

Weekly DBT skills Training Typically conducted in group format. The full course of skills is 24 weeks

·       For adolescents, one guardian also attends skills training sessions

DBT skills phone coaching Offered by the individual therapist to encourage effective skill use between therapy sessions

·       For adolescents, guardian is assigned a DBT parent consultant and coach